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5 Simple Steps to Detox Your Home

5 Simple Steps to Detox Your Home

When you think about your health, you probably think about your body—diet, exercise, sleep—but how often do you think about the health of your home? Many people believe in the power of a good juice cleanse but don’t think about the hidden gunk they can remove from the house. Don’t undo all the good things you do for yourself by living in an unhealthy home. Here are five steps you can take now to start a good home detox!

Use natural cleaning products. The chemicals in a lot of commercial cleaners can be downright nasty. We are exposed to enough toxins in the outside world without needing to bring them into our homes! Read labels and stick with ingredients you recognize. Better yet, make your own simple cleaners. Check out these five ways to use vinegar and baking soda in your abode. Bonus: you will probably save money!

Air it out. It is surprising to learn that the air in our home can be dirtier than the air outside! The easiest way to refresh the air is to open your windows at least 15 minutes a day, longer if you can. Let mother nature do the work! If you want to take it to the next level (or its not feasible to open the windows), you may want to invest in an air purifier.

Place houseplants. Not only are plants attractive (and mood boosters to boot), but they are natural air purifiers, according to NASA. Place several plants throughout your home—the more the better! Ferns, spider plants, and peace lilies are good choices.

Filter your water. There are many affordable water filters on the market that can remove toxins from your drinking water. Filtering can even make your coffee or tea taste better. However, the water you shower or bathe in can pose dangers as well. Filtering shower heads are easy to install, but you may also want to consider a whole house filter. It isn’t as expensive as you may think and may even make your hair softer and shinier. Nice!  

Natural textiles. When it comes to your carpets, furniture, and linens, natural is better. Synthetics can contain carcinogens, especially if they are treated with fire retardants or stain-resisting chemicals. Wool, cotton, and jute—for example—are better options for natural textiles that won’t lower the quality of your indoor environment. Plus, they can give your décor a pleasingly organic, cozy vibe.

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