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Goodbye Clutter, Hello Happiness

Goodbye Clutter, Hello Happiness

“When we clean up our clutter, messes, and incompletes in our home, it allows us to have space for the good. Good things and good energy.”

—Jennifer Adams


Clearing our homes of clutter is an essential ingredient in creating a home environment we can thrive in. It’s a process of freeing yourself and opening your space so there’s room to breathe—and welcome what truly makes you happy.


        Decluttering can be simple to do, and it doesn’t have to take much time, but it does take intention and commitment. And when you get it done, the payback is immense and tremendously fulfilling!


        So if you’re ready to start clearing away the old and inviting in the new, here are a few tips from Jennifer’s new book Love Coming Home: 


    •  Know when it’s time to let go. Let’s say you’re ready to declutter your bedroom. For each item in your room, mindfully ask yourself these questions: Do I love the item? Does it still serve a purpose? Does it support my intention of having a bedroom that is calm and relaxing? (Want to create the perfect sleep environment? Check out this post on The Science of Sleep).



    •  Clear away the piles. Look around your home. Do you see piles of magazines, books, newspapers, junk, etc.? Those piles not only collect lots of dust and are unattractive, but they waste precious space. To keep those piles in check, give yourself an expiration date to recycle, donate, or throw away.



    •  Vision Board it. On a board, post your checklist of decluttering projects organized by room or category. Prioritize your lists and then designate five minutes a day to accomplish one task. Once done, take it off the board. By visualizing and working at your list of projects daily, you see and feel good about taking real action and achieving your goals.



        You can learn more about decluttering your home, and other practical tips, from Jennifer’s book Love Coming Home. Available August 21, click here to watch the book trailer and pre-order your copy today to get exclusive, complimentary, unlimited access to Jennifer’s new series of 10 videos to help you unlock the power of your home right now. Jennifer will donate 100% of her book profits to charity.

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